

FlockerHub is like GitHub® for data. Just like you can use GitHub to store, share and organize your code, you can use FlockerHub to store, share and organize your Docker data volumes.

Designed to work with Fli, a git-like CLI for snapshotting, pushing and pulling volumes, FlockerHub lets you keep track of and distribute your volumes to any host, all with access controls that allow you to fulfill your data governance responsibilities.

The Project

In 2016, I worked with FlockerHub as a consultant to help them build a visual interface for their CLI tool.

The Problem

By Introducing a effortless way to save relevant content into Evernote for better searching and use later on, we can increase visibility to Evernote’s capabilities and increase NAU

My Role & The Team

Lead designer working with 1 designer, 10 engineers.

Background & Context

Flocker was a CLI tool developed by ClusterHQ back in 2015.

FlockerHub was like GitHub® for data. Just like you can use GitHub to store, share and organize your code, you can use FlockerHub to store, share and organize your Docker data volumes.


Other work