Heliux Website


Heliux is a all in one platform for hardware manufacturing. From Product design to manufacturing and shipment.

The Project

In early 2024, I helped design the inital soft launch site for Heliux.

The Problem

No website existed yet. Needed to establish a web presence in order to start selling.

My Role & The Team

Designer & Web Developer

Company background

Heliux is a All-In-One platform for hardware manufacturing companies. Before Heliux most hardware manufacturing was done across a suite of software solutions in order to arrive at a built solution. This software ecosystem has caused numerous issues and patches within organizations in order to maintain timelines and quailty requirements.

Heliux's approach is to encompass the entire ecoystsem in a single easy to use solution that the whole organization can leverage. This helping increase velocity, quality, and reduce headaches and other issues.

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